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Friday, February 21, 2014

friday favorites

I'm recovering from a brutal cardio class at Pure Workout. (I posted it on my jumpintofit instagram here!) and an equally difficult basketball practice in Park City.  I knew going into that practice that being in 'basketball shape' was a whole different beast, but it was a killer!  I love playing sports because you are working your tail off but it's so fun.  You don't even recognize how sore or tired you are because your mind is so focused on playing.

My great friend from high school, Crystal, and I visited our alma mater so we could help out our other friend Sam, who is coaching his girls' basketball team to a state playoff game!  He wanted us to give them some pep talking, memories, and the importance of high school sports and teammates.  I loved every second of it and am so grateful for that opportunity to share my experiences on the court.

Now on to my Friday Favorites!!
- Favorite Food:  steel cut outs with Cellucor Cookies n' Cream protein powder mixed in.
- Favorite Exercise Move: barbell deadlift for sure!  #becauseglutes
-Favorite Workout Song:  This song is an oldie but a goodie! Rage Against the Machine: Guerrilla Radio. 
-Favorite Stretch: pigeon pose.  This really helps if you are tight in the hips.  This move stretches your hip flexors AND the hip rotators.  This stretch really hurts me, but in a good way! 
-Favorite Workout Accessory: my new Nike Bionic shoes!  I was looking for some new training shoes that would be good on turf and sport court material.  This lady was at the Nike outlet store purchasing five more pairs of these shoes! (mine are bright purple with bright green laces...oh yeah)
-Favorite Random Thing!: Pretty Little Liars.  I know.  I am not a sixteen year old girl.  But I am addicted to this show...damn Netflix and it's awesome marathon watching abilities! WHO IS A???!!! :)

Tuesday, February 18, 2014

beam me up scotty!

...or just find me my actual body fat % and fat free mass.

Chad helped me out with a caliber test the other week.  Now I can see if a professional does it, you'll probably get more accurate results.  But as I perused the internet at pictures of people at certain body fat percentages, I realized quickly that there was NO WAY I was 17% body fat.  That's like my IDEAL body fat!

My results for this challenge aren't weight loss.  They will be for body fat and mainly my fat free mass. So insert the BOD POD! (Star Trek quote worthy right?)
No this isn't me.  However, smiling is my favorite! 

The Bod Pod is an air displacement test that calculates your body composition.  It's really quick and easy.  15 minute appointment from beginning to end.  Painless!

My body fat percentage is at 21.6% and my fat free mass is 110.015 lbs.  And that body free mass number includes my bones and organs too.  The goal is to lose some body fat while gaining muscle  (fat free mass!) I'm talking with my trainer tomorrow to get actual numbers so I have an actual goal.  :)

I definitely recommend checking your local universities to see if they offer a test like this.  The weight scale means nothing people!  Skinny fat is not cute....right Miley? eyes! my eyes!

Monday, February 17, 2014

operation GET FIT - day one!

So I am a firm believer that everything happens for a reason.  I also believe that life is all about CHOICES.  Choices in your actions, your emotions, your outlook on life, etc.  (I even debated naming this blog with 'making choices' being the main theme. )  We all hear too often that people blame outside sources on the reasons that life happens to them the way it does.  Now there are definitely situations that are out of one's control, but you choose how to handle those setbacks.

My life has been in a rut just with my outlook on life and my routines through life.  I decided to make CHOICES and put myself out there to have some good change happen.  And let me tell you,  law of attraction WORKS.  Big time!  (Working at lululemon taught me that!)

I follow some girls on instagram who are from Utah and are huge motivators on changing their lives and getting fit.  (@jazzythings and @dallasrae)  They decided to host a clinic on healthy eating and alternative training.  The clinic was over the weekend and was an awesome price for all the freebies we got!  I even won two 40 minute massages, a 4lb tub of protein powder, and a waffle maker!  Pretty much those things paid for the clinic!  I'll share my cooking and tricks later.

But I also learned of an awesome gym called Pure Workout.  It's a gym that focuses on training the entire body (but not in a crossfit way.  Nothing against crossfit, but I've known tons of people who've been seriously injured because 'faster is better'. )  I want to lift heavy shit AND have proper form.  This gym offers a 6 week program for people to put a deposit down (incentive to stick to the plan!) and then either lose 20lbs, 5% body fat, and/or gain lean muscle.  I'm a unique contestant because I am underweight and I want to gain muscle (hello chicken wing arms!) and tone.  I'm getting my body fat tested at a real facility tomorrow using the bod pod so it's more accurate than my caliber test.

I'm on a strict nutrition diet and have to workout at Pure Workout five days a week.  After six weeks if I hit my goal, then I get my deposit back!  Wahoo!

I will be posting pictures of some of our workout exercises and hopefully give ideas to train differently than just cardio and lifting weights.

Wednesday, February 12, 2014

favorite apps

look for Favorite Apps continued in a future post!

Sunday, February 9, 2014

sunday night check-in : week 1

Chad helped me check my body fat this evening using a skin caliber test and a girth test.  I used the Accu-Measure caliber [purchased from Scheels] and a cloth ruler.  I put all my information into the Precision Nutrition website [I purchased the binder before Christmas because it was half price! The binder and the site is chock full of good information, mostly researched and some based off others' experiences.]

Right now, I currently weight 140 lbs (definitely goes UP and DOWN) but 140 is the best average.  My heaviest weight at this height [5'11"] was 162lbs in 2006 and my lowest was 127lbs in 2012.  I think 140-145 is ideal for me if I can have muscle tone and strength.  

Right now I am at 17.6% body fat.  My highest skin folds were my back and thighs.  

My goal is to be at 14% body fat by June.....aka bikini season!

plan. plan. plan. repeat.

“If you talk about it, it’s a dream, if you envision it, it’s possible, but if you schedule it, it’s real.”

Planning.  I am learning that is the gold key to a consistent health regimen.  I have spent [so much] time thinking about my workouts, my meals, my strong body, and my positive mind.  But I've had these thoughts for YEARS! Pretty much ever since I stopped playing competitive sports. 

And it's because I stink at planning.  I'm the girl who buys a shiny new planner every January and has the fullest intentions in using it and keeping my life organized and on schedule.  And if you happen to look past January 17th, you would witness blank pages except for the occasional birthday.  Planning has always been a fault of mine.  I cram things in my brain.  I did this in high school and college...I do this now.  And it works for me.  I don't miss out on events or appointments.  But this cramming doesn't work when it comes to eating right and exercising smart.

If you can't commit to planning meals and preparing meals - then this journey will fizzle out in no time. Trust me, that's been my biggest hurdle.  I'm not a cook and going to the grocery is my least favorite house chore. Prepping was and still is a constant experiment for me, and I will devout blog posts in the future that have helped me out with this. 

As for the fitness, I have downloaded some awesome apps to my iPhone and iPad that keep me consistent and motivated.  I can't wait to keep researching then share them with you! 

So take it from me [the non-planner], take the time and SCHEDULE your life!  Schedule everything.  Workouts, friend get-to-gethers, date night with your SO, meals, etc.  In the beginning,  you might feel crazy and that you need to schedule a time for scheduling because it takes so long.  But you'll get the hang of it once you are seeing the benefits of where you spend your time.  Less Netflix, More Life!  [and I love me some Netflix!]

Saturday, February 8, 2014

Hello! Let's jump in, shall we?

Well, here I am blog.  A way for me to talk, ramble, and share my fitness/health journey.  I feel like everyone else who wants a way to hold themselves accountable.  And ya know what?  I'm okay with that.  Those people are trying to figure out their lives and what makes them happy.  I am passionate and excited about changing my body - inside and out.  In a few short weeks of really staying fitness focused, I have felt an increase in energy and confidence. These quick results give me the boost and direction I needed to continue and kick butt along the way!

I wanted to start a blog called Jump into Fit because to 'jump in' means to take a chance and leap into something new.  This something new can be something your comfortable with or not.  In my case, it's out of my comfort zone.  And I LOVE the comfort zone.  Change scares me - it always has.  (My inner Sagittarius has always wanted change!)  Now, I love adventure and new events/moments in life.  But I like to always come back to what is normal and safe.  It keeps me sane and stress-free.

But where has being 'safe' gotten anybody?  Anybody who lives their life to the fullest takes a hell of a lot of risks and makes a lot of mistakes.  But they are living!  They are jumping in with both feet and hoping they land somewhere they want.  If they don't, then they just jump somewhere new until they find what they want.

And that's exactly what I want to do.  I want to 'jump in' to my health and well being with an enthusiastic huzzah!  I am sure I will fail.  I am sure I will lose direction. But, I need to not be scared of the journey.  I need to embrace and LIVE the journey.  Who wants to sit on the sidelines of their own life?