My great friend from high school, Crystal, and I visited our alma mater so we could help out our other friend Sam, who is coaching his girls' basketball team to a state playoff game! He wanted us to give them some pep talking, memories, and the importance of high school sports and teammates. I loved every second of it and am so grateful for that opportunity to share my experiences on the court.
Now on to my Friday Favorites!!
- Favorite Food: steel cut outs with Cellucor Cookies n' Cream protein powder mixed in.
- Favorite Exercise Move: barbell deadlift for sure! #becauseglutes
-Favorite Workout Song: This song is an oldie but a goodie! Rage Against the Machine: Guerrilla Radio.
-Favorite Stretch: pigeon pose. This really helps if you are tight in the hips. This move stretches your hip flexors AND the hip rotators. This stretch really hurts me, but in a good way!
-Favorite Workout Accessory: my new Nike Bionic shoes! I was looking for some new training shoes that would be good on turf and sport court material. This lady was at the Nike outlet store purchasing five more pairs of these shoes! (mine are bright purple with bright green laces...oh yeah)
-Favorite Random Thing!: Pretty Little Liars. I know. I am not a sixteen year old girl. But I am addicted to this show...damn Netflix and it's awesome marathon watching abilities! WHO IS A???!!! :)